Elizabeth (Kortright) Monroe (1768-1830)

Mrs "Eliza" Elizabeth (Kortwright) Monroe; First Lady of the United States

She was born in New York City to a father who sided with the Loyalists during the Revolution, serving with a British regiment. She married James Monroe when she was seventeen and they lived between Europe, Oak Hill, the Octagon House and then the White House while Monroe served as President of the United States between in 1817 and 1825. Eliza's poor health was kept secret as she suffered from epilepsy, affecting her social activity as First Lady. After serving two terms in office, the Monroes retired to Oak Hill in Virginia. Their son died in infancy, and they were survived by two daughters.

Parents (2)

Lawrence Kortright

Privateer & Merchant, of New York City


Hannah (Aspinwall) Kortright

Mrs Hannah (Aspinwall) Kortright


Spouse (1)

James Monroe

5th President of the United States (1817-1825)


Children (3)

Elizabeth (Monroe) Hay

Mrs "Eliza" Kortright (Monroe) Hay


James Spence Monroe

James Spence Monroe, died in infancy


Maria (Monroe) Gouverneur

Mrs Maria Hester (Monroe) Gouverneur


Associated Houses (3)

Oak Hill

Leesburg, Virginia

The Octagon House

Washington D.C.

The White House

Washington D.C.


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