George Norton Miller (1805-1891)
George N. Miller, of 39 Fifth Avenue, New York City; and, Rhinebeck, New York
Born at Windsor in Hartford County, Connecticut, he was educated at Yale. He went to Charleston, South Carolina, where he purchased a cotton plantation but he became uncomfortable with slavery and in 1845 closed his business and came back up north. In New York, he built a new house on Fifth Avenue between 10th and 11th and continued as a merchant. By the 1850s he had also acquired property in Rhinebeck, New York, where all his children were born and where his elder brother, William Starr Miller I (1793-1854) lived with his wife, who was a member of the Schuyler family.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 05/08/2019 and last updated on 16/06/2020.