John Rose Lee (1827-1908)

of Brookline, Mass.; East India Merchant, of Lee & Brown, Bombay & Boston

He was born at Boston, Massachusetts, and entered Harvard in 1842. In 1845, he went to Batavia in East India as supercargo of the bark Ruble; in 1846, to Valparaiso as agent for a group of exporters from Boston; and, from 1848 to 1851 he was in Calcutta. In 1862, at Bombay, he established the house of Lee & Brown, and returning in 1863 continued in the East India trade for several more years. He retired on becoming trustee of the Lee family estates. In 1846, he married Lucy, daughter of Benjamin and Harriet (Lang) Howard and they were the parents of five children.


Contributed by Mark Meredith on 02/06/2023 and last updated on 02/06/2023.