Michael Joseph Meehan (1891-1948)
Michael J. Meehan, Founder of M.J. Meehan & Co., New York
He was born in Blackburn, England. Having started his career selling theater tickets on Wall Street, through sheer wit and determination he pushed himself up the ladder until he had saved $90,000 to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He was closely associated in business with Joe Kennedy. In 1935, was forced out of trading when he attempted to manipulate the stock price of Bellanca Aircraft and became the first individual to be prosecuted by the Securities & Exchange Commission. His son, William, kept Lasata as his summer home. He was survived by another son and two daughters, Elizabeth Meehan and Mrs. Helen M. Nesbitt.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 30/10/2019 and last updated on 30/10/2019.