William Walton (1731-1796)

Shipping Merchant & President of the New York Chamber of Commerce

He inherited the Walton House (see images) on Franklin Square at 326 Pearl Street, built in 1752 by his childless uncle and namesake, William Walton. He also inherited his uncle's lucrative shipping business which he continued with his brother from 1768 under the name of William & Jacob Walton & Co. The brothers also owned a large amount of land at Socialborough where they engaged in manufacturing and William kept a summer home in New Jersey. In 1757, he married Mary, daughter of James DeLancey, Lieutenant-Governor of New York. They were the parents of three sons and a daughter, Ann, who married Daniel Crommelin Verplanck, only son of Samuel Verplanck.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 10/01/2021 and last updated on 14/09/2022.