Mann Page I (1691-1730)

Mann Page I, of "Rosewell" Gloucester County, Virginia

Associated Houses



He started building Rosewell in 1725, dying before it was completed. It was afterwards completed by his son, Mann Page II. He was a Member of the Virginia King's Council and owned 70,000 acres in the colony. He was married twice. In 1712, he married Judith, daughter of Ralph Wormeley, Secretary of the Colony of Virginia, and had three children but two died young leaving one (listed above) who survived to adulthood. In 1718, he married Judith, daughter of Robert "King" Carter and had six further children of whom three (listed above) survived to adulthood and had children. 


Contributed by Mark Meredith on 02/12/2018 and last updated on 09/02/2023.