Theophilus Parsons Chandler (1845-1928)

T.P. Chandler, Jr., Founding Head of Architecture at Penn University, Philadelphia

Associated Houses



He was born at Boston, Massachusetts. He was educated at Harvard before travelling to Paris to study architecture under Émile Vaudremer. He began his architectural career in New York at 57 Broadway working for Russell Sturgis Jr. & Co. He moved to Philadelphia in the early 1870s where he gained a reputation for designing country estates and churches. His wife was the aunt of Henry du Pont and he designed the train station at Winterthur as well as various alterations to the main house. He founded the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, served as the first head of the department, and was a member of the American Institute of Architects. In 1873, he married Sophie Madeline du Pont but died without children.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 07/08/2022 and last updated on 24/09/2022.