Anne Drucilla Apperson (1878-1970)

Mrs Anne (Apperson) Flint

Associated Houses



She was the "protégé" and "occasional confidante" of her extremely wealthy aunt, Mrs Phoebe (Apperson) Hearst, and grew up in the same entourage as her, under her wing. In 1903, she was married at her aunt's country home, the Hacienda del Pozo de Verona, and spent her honeymoon at her aunt's fairytale castle in Northern California, Wyntoon. When her aunt died, the lion's share of the family fortune went to Anne's first cousin (Phoebe's only child), the media-mogul William Randolph Hearst. But Hearst was furious that her mother left Wyntoon (plus a Cadillac and $250,000) to Anne. Hearst's lawyers eventually managed to wrench the property from her and the two cousins remained sworn enemies for life. She and her husband died without children. 
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 28/03/2020 and last updated on 29/03/2020.