Edward Vernon (1684-1757)
Admiral Edward "Old Grog" Vernon
In England he is remembered as the outspoken Naval officer who served throughout the War of Jenkin's Ear (1739-1748) against Spain and captured Porto Bello in Panama. He was nicknamed "Old Grog" for his habit of wearing coats made from grogram cloth, so when he introduced the method of diluting rum with water, his sailors called it "grog". In America, his name was given to one of its most historic houses: In 1743, having served under Vernon during the War of Jenkin's Ear, Major Lawrence Washington (1718-1752) honored his former commander by giving his name to his plantation in Fairfax County, Virginia - Mount Vernon - which since became famous as the home of Lawrence's illustrious brother, George, the 1st President of the United States.