Elizabeth Cavendish-Bentinck (1855-1943)
Mrs Elizabeth (Livingston) Cavendish-Bentinck
She was married in 1880 to George Cavendish-Bentinck, a member of one of England's best known aristocratic families and a great-grandson of the 3rd Duke of Portland who served as Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1807 to 1809. Although her husband wasn't titled, their marriage was still counted as one of the most prestigious transatlantic unions and she brought with her a dowry of $1.5-million. They lived between England and America and were counted among the Mrs Astor's "Four Hundred". In 1904, while renting Highcliffe Castle in England, the Cavendish-Bentincks hosted King Edward VII. Her husband died at Forest Farm near Windsor (see images) and she survived him until 1943 when she died at her London residence, 5 Richmond Terrace, near Whitehall (see images). They were the parents of two daughters, the younger of whom married George Burns, nephew of the American banker J.P. Morgan.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 21/11/2018 and last updated on 02/10/2022.