Jacob Cram (1783-1869)

Merchant, of Union Square, New York City

He was born at Exeter, New Hampshire, and was educated at Exeter Academy where he was a classmate of Daniel Webster and Lewis Cass. Having initially been educated for the church, he showed an aptitude for business and entered a leading merchant house in Boston. Having acquired a sound knowledge of business he left for Europe where he travelled for a year. On returning to America, he set up as a merchant on his own account in New England before establishing himself permanently in New York from 1816. His obituary read: "He has long been known as one of our most respected and successful merchants. He soon acquired a competent fortune and retired from business". He lived on Union Square and left an estate of nearly a million dollars. He was the grandfather of William Seward Webb who married Eliza Vanderbilt
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 25/09/2022 and last updated on 25/09/2022.