John Jones (1728-1761)

John Jones Jr., of New York City

He was born in New York (parents unknown) and was married there in 1753 to the daughter of Huguenot immigrant, Frances Quereau, and they had three children who reached adulthood: (1) John, married Eleanor Colford and had issue (2) Joshua, married Margaret Renshaw and had issue, one of whom was the grandfather of the celebrated Gilded Age author Edith Wharton (3) Isaac, married Sarah Mason and had two sons, one of whom was President of the Chemical Bank and died unmarried leaving his fortune to his brother who died ten years later and was also unmarried leaving his $7-million fortune divided into various shares between his numerous Jones cousins.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 10/07/2019 and last updated on 23/09/2022.