Theophilus Parsons Chandler (1807-1886)

Theophilus P. Chandler, Sr., Assistant U.S. Treasurer at Boston, Massachusetts

He began his career as a lawyer in Bangor, Maine, from 1830 to 1837 before relocating to Boston where he was Assistant U.S. Treasurer during the Civil War. He was a financial backer of the DuPont Company of Wilmington, Delaware. In 1837, he married Eliza, daughter of William Schlatter, of Philadelphia, "an extensive importer and wholesale dry goods merchant (who) resided for a long time in princely style in Chestnut Street between Twelfth and Thirteenth". They had 7-children and lived between 5 Tremont Street, Boston, and Brookline, Massachusetts.


Contributed by Mark Meredith on 07/08/2022 and last updated on 07/08/2022.