John Tyler (1790-1862)

10th President of the United States (1841-1845)

Associated Houses

Sherwood Forest

Charles City

Greenway Plantation

Charles City

The White House

Washington D.C.

He was preceded in the Presidency by William Henry Harrison and after serving one term in office for the Whigs he was succeeded in 1845 by James K. Polk. He was the first Vice-President to be elevated to the Presidency after Harrison's record-breaking demise, and he served longer than any other President not elected to office. By his two wives he was the father of fifteen children and amazingly - despite being born in 1790 - in 2018 President Tyler still had two grandsons living, Lyon and Harrison.
Contributed by Mark Meredith on 14/03/2019 and last updated on 31/08/2022.